
If you need to find a part use our interactive parts manual by selecting from the drop down menu/s located across the top of each page. Works best to use at least the last 6 digits of the vehicles VIN#. If VIN# is not available, you can search by model and year. After hitting search button, you will have the option for more filtering by using the menu drop down. Also, you can narrow search further by entering a search name in the "Filter Results" search. Such as "Door" would narrow all prints related to the door. Not all drop downs need to be filled for search. But more info you provide will narrow the results helping you find what you're looking for faster.

If you're looking for a specific product, use the keyword search box located at the top of the site. Simply type the part# of the product.

If a parts diagram cannot be found for what you are looking for you can contact us by clicking on 
"If you are unable to find what you are looking for please contact us by clicking here" 
 At bottom of the page.


You have 30 days to make a refund request after your original invoice date.

In the event you want to return an item we ask that you use the "Contact us" from the navigation bar at the top of any page. From there we can answer you question on the return and provide more detail on how to return the item.


In case the item you received is damaged or defective first contact us about the issue by using the "Contact us" from the navigation bar at the top of any page. After return is approved you can return an item in the same condition as you received it with the original box and/or packaging intact. Once we receive the returned item, we will inspect it and if the item is found to be defective or damaged, we will process the refund along with any shipping fees incurred or ship out a replacement.


There are a few certain scenarios where it is difficult for us to support returns:

  1. Return request is made outside the specified time frame, of 30 days from invoice date.
  2. Product is used, damaged, or is not in the same condition as you received it.
  3. Defective products which are covered under the manufacturer's warranty.
  4. Products with tampered or missing serial numbers.
  5. Anything missing from the package you've received.


All accounts by default will be charged tax. If you require to be tax exempt, you need to submit a ST3 form by logging into your account, select dashboard at the top of the page and then select update profile. At the bottom of this page, you will find a spot to upload your filled out ST3 form. After submission of ST3 form account will become tax exempt. 


First in order to print quotes you must by logged in. After that quotes can be printed by simply adding items you want on the quote to your shopping cart. Then click on cart at top of any page. From the cart page make sure all your quantities are correct for each part. Select the shipping method you want to quote. Then click on checkout. On the check out page enter a quote name for your own reference and click "Save & Print Quote" button. Quote will be saved to your account and open up on in a PDF form. From there you can print the quote. Please note quotes are good for 30 days.

To find your saved quotes you must be logged in. Click on dashboard on top of any page. Then click on "Saved Quotes" button. From saved quotes page you can view all your saved quotes. You can also use the search bar within this page to find a specific quote. Also you can sort by each column. Please note quotes are good for 30 days. After this quotes will no longer be searchable.


To find your saved quotes you must be logged in. Click on dashboard on top of any page. Then click on "Saved Quotes" button. From saved quotes page you can view all your saved quotes. You can also use the search bar within this page to find a specific quote. Also you can sort by each column. Please note quotes are good for 30 days. After this quotes will no longer be searchable.


Please note that when adding quote to cart it does work best if cart is empty. It doesn't always need to be empty but if you have an item in you cart that is also in the quote that item will not be updated to the quote quantity or price. Also if special shipping was requested no items can be added or altered.

The easiest way to add items from you quote is if you have the original official PDF quote you can simply click on the quote number at the top of the quote. This will automatically take you online to the shopping cart with the quoted items added to the cart. If you can not click on the number you do not have the official quote and will need to use one of the methods listed below.

If you have a quote saved you can add the items to your cart by simply clicking on cart at the top of any page. Then enter in your quote number and click on "Add Quote Items To Cart" button.

Another way is if you have a quote saved log into your account and click on dashboard at the top of any page. Next click on "Saved Quotes" button. Find your quote by sorting column or using search bar. After you found the quote you want click on "Add Quote Items To Cart" button.

Please note depending how your account is setup the shipping and tax amount can vary.


To submit a technical question you will click on "Support" within the navigation bar of any page. From here you can search/filter the existing questions and answers to see if your question has already been asked and answered. Also there is other technical documents created by us that can be searched. If you don't find what you looking for you can submit your own question. First it does require that your logged in. After that from the support page click on the "New Topic" button. Fill out form that would best suit your question and click on "Save" button. From here you will receive an e-mail regarding your newly submitted forum topic. Your account will be subscribed to any changes made to the topic you created and will remain subscribed until you unsubscribe. Being subscribed means the e-mail associated with your account will be notified anytime a change is made to your topic. We will also be notified of your question and will respond with an answer. Depending on the question we like to be very detail oriented on our answers so please give us time to pull together the most data available to answer your question in detail. Questions can be answered by us or any other logged in customer. Also any other customer can subscribe to the topic as well.

We do ask that you only submit one question per topic. You can create as many topics as needed to answer all your questions. If you have a question regarding purchasing parts such as which part to buy or an issue with your order we ask that you use the "Contact us" from the navigation bar at the top of any page.


For any questions regarding an existing orders or anything not regarding how to repair your e-ride vehicle we ask that you use the "Contact us" from the navigation bar at the top of any page.

If you have a technical question regarding how to repair you e-ride vehicle please submit in under "Support" within the navigation bar of any page.


If you need to find a wiring diagram, use our interactive parts manual by selecting from the drop-down menu/s located across the top of each page. Works best to use at least the last 6 digits of the vehicles VIN#. If VIN# is not available, you can search by model and year. After hitting search button, you will have the option for more filtering by using the menu drop down. To find a wiring diagram select "Wiring Diagrams" from filter drop-down menu and press search button. List of all diagrams available for your vehicle will be listed. 

If a diagram cannot be found for what you are looking for you can contact us through the support page.


Please see this FORUM to answer this question.


On the top center of this page click on create new account. After filling out the form you will receive an e-mail. Within that e-mail will be a link. Clicking on the link will finalize the verification process. Now you are ready to access your account by simply logging in.