Forward / Reverse / Directional test procedure lead acid only
The Topic Is For

Battery Type/'s

-Flooded Lead Acid, -AGM 170AH
-AGM 230AH



Measure between pin# 1 of parking brake switch connector and main negative of battery pack (passengers side front). Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on. If yes, see test #2. If no, see test #1-2


This test depends on if vehicle is AC or DC drive. For AC drive measure between pin #25 of speed controller. For DC drive measure between pin #4 of speed controller 4 pin connector and B- battery cable connection on speed controller. Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on. If so, you have a connection/wiring issue between this test point and parking brake switch. If not, controller is defective and needs to be replaced.

Test #2

Measure between pin# 2 of parking brake switch connector and main negative of battery pack (passengers side front). Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on and parking brake released. If so, see test #3. If not parking brake switch is bad and needs to be replaced.

Test #3

Measure between pin# 3 of parking brake switch connector and main negative of battery pack (passengers side front). Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on and parking brake lever set. Also parking brake emblem should be shown in the dash display. If so, see test #6. If not parking brake switch is bad and needs to be replaced.

Test #6

Measure between pin# 1 of battery charger small connector and main negative of battery pack (rear of main battery disconnect switch if charger is in front / B- of controller is charger is in rear). Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on and park brake released. If so, see test #7. If not, you have a wiring/connection issue between park brake switch and battery charger. 

Test #7

Measure between pin #2 of battery charger small connector and main negative of battery pack (rear of main battery disconnect switch if charger is in front / B- of controller is charger is in rear). Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on and park brake released. If so, see test #8. If not, you have a bad battery charger. 

Test #8

Measure between pin# 2 of directional switch and main negative of battery pack (passengers side front). Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on and parking brake released. If so, see test #9. If not, you have a wiring/connection issue between battery charger and directional switch.

Test #9

Measure between pin# 3 of directional switch and main negative of battery pack (passengers side front). Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on, parking brake released and directional switch in the forward position. If so, see test #10. If you need to test the reverse circuit, see test 11. If not, you have a bad directional switch.

Test #10

This test depends on if vehicle is AC or DC drive. For AC drive measure between pin #22 of speed controller and For DC drive measure between pin #4 of speed controller 24 pin connector and B- battery cable connection on speed controller Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on, park brake released and directional switch in forward. If so, and vehicle has 0 movement in forward the issue is not related to the direction circuit. If not, you have a wiring/connection issue between directional switch and controller.

Test #11

Measure between pin# 5 of directional switch and main negative of battery pack (passengers side front). Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on, parking brake released and directional switch in the reverse position. If so, see test #12. If not, you have a bad directional switch.

Test #12

This test depends on if vehicle is AC or DC drive. For AC drive measure between pin #33 of speed controller. For DC drive measure between pin #5 of speed controller 24 pin connector and B- battery cable connection on speed controller. Should measure 12VDC with ignition key on, park brake released and directional switch in reverse. If so, and vehicle has 0 movement in forward the issue is not related to the direction circuit. If not, you have a wiring/connection issue between directional switch and controller.