Vehicle shut down after operating for a while with solar
The Topic Is For

Battery Type/'s

-Lithum 100AH 3.3KW Charger

Vehicle shuts down after operating for a while. Vehicle is equipped with solar panels. After plugging vehicle back in vehicle will turn on and operate again.



Testing lithium with solar

The best approach for this issue is to connect up to the vehicle with the diagnostic tool as described here

Next is to check for existing faults as described here

You may not see any faults. In that case a few things to note. If vehicle is not currently experiencing the issue faults may not be present. Some issues/faults can cause the BMS to shut down the entire vehicle resulting in all power to be lost which shuts down the BMS resulting in the error code to be cleared. In this case a 12-volt power source needs to be applied to keep the BMS powered. This can be done at the wires going to the OBD-II diagnostic port. At the rear of the port, you will find an orange wire and a black wire. These would not be the CANBUS wires which are a twisted pair. 12-volt power needs to be applied to these wires. Orange is positive. Black is negative. The draw will be very minimal. Less than 100ma. So, the 12-volt battery required can be small. Voltage range can be 9-18 VDC. After applying power to these wires drive vehicle until issue occurs and then recheck for faults. 

Since this is a solar powered vehicle, my best guess would be the solar charger relay is welded shut. So, when the solar charges the lithium battery pack to close to 100% the BMS shuts off the solar. But the relay does not open. At this point the BMS is looking for current to not go below 0. If it does an error will be thrown and vehicle will completely shut down. This relay can be found next to the solar charger located behind the dash on the passenger's side. Part# for relay is U2150A-N. This relay is not always stocked so you may need to place it on backorder. We can get them in a few days.

Other issue could be that the current sensor is not reading zero. Its off slightly. When connected to vehicle with diagnostic cable go to live cell data tab across top. In here is pack current. With key off and vehicle not charging with solar or main charger this should read 0 amps. If not take and turn main battery disconnect switch off in passengers' front wheel well. Turn it back on and plug vehicle in to power it up. Unplug vehicle and recheck amperage. If still not 0. Another thing you can do is to unplug and plug back in the current sensor. I have seen where a bad connection at the sensor can cause an issue. The current sensor is located on the negative battery cable just off the B- of the main battery pack. The current sensor looks similar to U5679A-N. If still not reading 0 sensor may be bad. 



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